The 2023 Yangcheng Lake team building of Rongtua Group was successfully held.

The golden autumn is a season of harvest. On November 25th, Rongtua Shipping Group organized a total of more than 200 employees from headquarters and branches to come to the picturesque Yangcheng Lake for the annual all-employee team building activity.

Walking in the bright autumn sunshine, employees enjoyed the beautiful scenery while enhancing mutual understanding and communication.

At the luncheon, the group leadership delivered a speech to thank the employees for their hard work and pointed out that Yangcheng Lake team building is a special event for Rongtua to enhance mutual communication and trust between employees. It is a grand gathering to promote employee friendship and team cohesion.

As the autumn wind blows and the crab get fat, it is a good time to taste crab. Employees enjoyed the local specialty - Yangcheng Lake hairy crab - at a waterside restaurant, with joy and happiness during the meal.

Through this activity, employees have a deeper understanding of the importance of team spirit, a clearer understanding of the company's business philosophy and goals, and also injected new vitality and impetus into the company's future development.

We look forward to more outstanding employees participate in this big family and work together for the prosperity and development of Rongtua Group!